"Some covers of underdog, the little magazine I started when I was 16 as a roneod broadsheet. Later editions were hand-printed on a tiny press by my friend Eddie O'Neil and myself in his mum's front parlour These here contain some of the poems by Roger McGough, Adrian Henri and myself that ended up in The Mersey Sound, now in Penguin Modern Classics...
Other contributors included Pete Brown, later lyricist for Cream ('I Feel Free' etc) and Spike Hawkins, with his wonderful off the wall surreal poems. There were also poems by Libby Houston, along with Adrian H's translations of Jacques Prevert and Anselm Hollo's translations of Finnish poet, Pentti Saarikoski. American visitors to Liverpool, Allen Ginsberg and Robert Creeley, also featured, along with many others including much missed poet friends Adrian Mitchell, Christopher Logue, and Harry Fainlight." bp |